Responsible Investment – ESG

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    Responsible Investment

    ESPIRA Investments is committed to integrating environmental and social governance (ESG) into all of its investment activities. Below are our fundamental guidelines in this area.

    1. Identify ESG issues throughout our due diligence process related to potential investments and refuse to invest in any business that wilfully exploits underserved or underprivileged communities and/or creates significant damage to society. This includes weapons, ammunition, tobacco, payday lending, or gambling.

    2. Cooperate with portfolio companies on environmental, health, safety, and social issues to improve performance and minimize adverse impacts. To grow and develop portfolio companies while benefiting multiple stakeholders.

    3. Make ESG integration within the fund an ongoing endeavour, ably supported by the ESG Committee’s regular review and reporting strategy.

    4. Adhere to the highest standards of conduct to avoid negligent, unfair, or improper practices. This includes –

    ▪    proactively complying with applicable national, state, and local labour laws in the countries in which we invest
    ▪    supporting the payment of competitive wages and benefits to employees
    ▪    providing a safe and healthy workplace in conformance with national and local laws.

    5. Respect the human rights of those affected by our investment activities and seek to confirm that our investments do not support companies that utilise child, forced labour, or maintain discriminatory policies.

    6. Ensure all ESPIRA employees are aware of the firm’s culture of social responsibility and encourage them to strengthen that culture. Encourage all firm professionals to engage in non-profit and socially responsible volunteer activities.

    7. Encourage dialogue with investors and stakeholders regarding the consistent management of ESG factors inline their initiatives. Work with investors to foster transparency in all aspects of the firm’s activities, including ESG performance.

    8. Distribute this policy and related ESG information to all appropriate employees of our portfolio companies.